
My dog ignores me - what can I do?

Do you find that your dog ignores you? Discover the possible causes and effective solutions to this frustrating behavior and how you can change it in a positive way

Marcin Solgaard
Marcin Solgaard
4 minutes reading · Jul 16, 2024
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My dog ignores me - what can I do?
Your dog is ignoring you - here's why

We've all been there. You call your dog and they just look away or keep sniffing the grass. It can be incredibly frustrating, but there are often good reasons why your dog ignores you. Let's take a look at some of the most common reasons and what you can do about them

Have you been too absent?

If you've been away from home often, your dog may feel neglected. Dogs are social animals and can become sad or even depressed if left alone for too long.

Is something in the environment distracting?

Sometimes there are simply too many exciting things around to catch your dog's attention. New sounds, smells or sights can all be distracting.

Training and discipline

It can also be a matter of training. If your dog hasn't learned to respond to commands or doesn't see you as a leader, they may be ignoring you for this reason.

Improve communication with your dog

To get your dog to pay more attention to you, you need to improve your communication. Here are some tips on how you can do that:

Create routines

Dogs thrive on routines. Make sure you have set times for feeding, walking and playing. This helps your dog know what to expect and when to expect it.

Reward positive behavior
  • Use treats as rewards when your dog follows your commands.
  • Praise your dog verbally with a happy voice.
  • Give your dog physical affection like pats and hugs.
Practice training

Spend time each day training your dog. Practice basic commands like "sit", "stay", and "come". This will strengthen the bond between you and make your dog more likely to listen to you.

Build a stronger connection through play

Play is a great way to build a stronger connection with your dog. It's not just about physical activity, but also mental stimulation and social interaction.

Interactive toys

Use toys that require your dog to think and solve problems. This can include puzzles, ball throwing machines or toys that dispense treats.

Joint activities
  • Take walks in new surroundings.
  • Try new activities such as agility training.
  • Participate in dog-friendly events or playdates.
Play fetch

A simple game like fetch can be incredibly fun for both you and your dog. It allows you to move and have fun together.

Managing specific behavioral issues

Sometimes being ignored can be a sign of a specific behavioral issue. It's important to identify and address these issues quickly.

Separation anxiety

If your dog has separation anxiety, he may become stressed when you leave home. Work on making goodbyes less dramatic and gradually increase the time you're away.

Destructive behavior
  • Destructive behavior can be a sign of boredom or stress. Make sure your dog has enough toys and activities to keep them occupied.
Excessive barking

Excessive barking can be an attempt to get attention. Train your dog to be quiet on command and reward them when they follow instructions.

When you need professional help

Sometimes the best thing you can do is seek help from a professional dog trainer or behaviorist. These experts can give you specific strategies to manage your dog's behavior.

When to seek help?
  • If your dog's behavior doesn't improve with at-home training.
  • If behavior problems get worse.
  • If your dog shows signs of fear or aggression.
How to choose a trainer?

Be sure to choose a certified trainer with good reviews. Ask about their training methods and make sure they fit your dog's needs and your philosophy.

Conclusion: You can regain your dog's attention

Feeling ignored by your dog can be frustrating, but with the right strategies and a little patience, you can regain your dog's attention and strengthen your relationship. Remember to understand the reasons behind your dog's behavior, work on communication and training, and don't be afraid to seek professional help if necessary.

By investing time and love into your relationship, you can ensure your dog sees you as an important part of their life. So grab the treats, clicker trainer and explore new adventures with your four-legged friend.

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Marcin Solgaard Marcin Solgaard

Marcin is a true dog enthusiast! He is always seen with his 8-year-old boxer by his side. Marcin believes that dogs thrive on love, fun and positive experiences. On their daily adventures, people often stop Marcin to ask how his boxer is so happy and well-behaved. He happily shares tips on dog behavior and fun activities to create a happy and harmonious life with your dog.

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