
Should your dog sleep in your bed? Pros and cons

There are pros and cons to letting your dog sleep in your bed. Find out how it can affect your sleep quality, safety and your bond.

Michelle Torring
Michelle Torring
2 minutes reading · Jul 29, 2024
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Should your dog sleep in your bed? Pros and cons
Benefits of letting your dog sleep in your bed

There are many good reasons to let your dog sleep in your bed. Firstly, it can strengthen the bond between you. Sleeping close together releases the hormone oxytocin, which increases feelings of love and trust, just like it does between parents and their children. This can make your relationship even closer.

Improved sleep quality

For some people, sleeping with their dog can actually improve sleep quality. One study found that women often slept better with their dog than with their human partner. The dog can provide a sense of security and comfort, which can help you fall asleep and sleep more deeply.


Dogs can also act as an extra security measure. They are aware of sounds and movements, even when sleeping, and can alert you to potential dangers or intruders. This can provide an extra sense of security at night.

Disadvantages of letting your dog sleep in bed

While there are many advantages to sharing a bed with your dog, there are also some disadvantages that you should consider. Firstly, dog hair in the bed can be a problem, especially if you or someone in your household suffers from allergies. While you can use special bed covers and protectors, keeping the bed clean can still be a challenge.

Disrupted sleep

Dogs tend to move around a lot at night, which can disrupt your sleep. They may also snore, dream or wake up several times during the night, which can negatively affect your sleep quality. If you're a light sleeper, this can be a significant disadvantage.

Health risks

There are also certain health risks associated with sharing a bed with your dog. The risk of transmitting diseases between dog and human is low, but not excluded. In addition, dogs with medical conditions such as arthritis may need special support that a human bed cannot necessarily provide.

How to make the right decision

Whether your dog should sleep in your bed depends on your individual needs and preferences. If you enjoy the closeness and feel safer with your dog by your side, and if neither of you have health or behavioral issues that could be exacerbated by sharing a bed, it may be a good option. However, if you experience allergies, disturbed sleep or hygiene concerns, it may be better to find another comfortable place for your dog to sleep.

Alternatives to the bed
  • A comfortable dog bed placed close to your own bed can be a good solution.
  • Using a pet-friendly blanket or bed protector can help keep the bed clean if your dog is allowed to sleep on the bed.
  • Create a routine and be consistent with your rules on where your dog can sleep to avoid confusion and unwanted behavior.
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Michelle Torring Michelle Torring

Michelle is a passionate dog owner who spends most of her free time with her 6-year-old golden retriever, Bella. The two are a familiar sight in the neighborhood, often seen on long walks in the park or at the beach. Michelle loves training Bella in agility and they often compete in local competitions where Bella impresses with her speed and agility. Every Sunday, Michelle organizes playdates for dogs in the neighborhood where both dogs and owners can socialize and learn from each other. To Michelle, Bella is not just a dog, but a beloved family member and faithful companion.

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