
How to Potty Train your Puppy

Housetraining your puppy can be a challenging but highly rewarding process. With the right techniques and patience, you can quickly get your puppy to understand where to go

Marcin Solgaard
Marcin Solgaard
3 minutes reading · Apr 23, 2024
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How to Potty Train your Puppy
The importance of housetraining

House training is one of the first and most important challenges you'll face as a new dog owner. A clean puppy not only means a cleaner home, but also a happier and more well-adjusted dog. It takes patience, consistency and an understanding of your puppy's needs. Let's dive into how you can best train your puppy to be housetrained.

Understand your puppy's needs

Before you can start housetraining, it's important to understand your puppy's natural needs and habits.

  • Puppies have small bladders and often need to urinate, especially after sleeping, eating or playing.
  • Most puppies can hold it for about an hour for every month they are old, so a three-month-old puppy can typically hold it for about three hours.
  • Your puppy will often give signs that they need to go to the toilet, like sniffing around or walking in circles.
Step-by-step guide to toilet training

Now that you have a basic understanding of your puppy's needs, we can get started with the actual training. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Establish a routine

A regular daily routine is essential for successful housetraining. Take your puppy out at the same times every day, such as after sleep, meals and play.

Step 2: Use a command

Choose a command, like "go pee", and use it consistently when you take your puppy out to relieve themselves. This will help your puppy understand what you expect.

Step 3: Choose a specific toilet area

Take your puppy to the same place every time to relieve themselves. This helps them understand that this area is the right place to go to the toilet.

Step 4: Praise and reward

When your puppy relieves themselves outside, praise them and give a small treat as a reward. Positive reinforcement is key to teaching your puppy good habits.

Step 5: Monitor and limit indoor freedom

Until your puppy is completely housebroken, monitor them closely when they are indoors. Limit their access to the entire house by using puppy fencing or keeping them in a confined area.

Managing accidents

Accidents will happen and it's important to handle them correctly to avoid making the problem worse.

  • Clean the area thoroughly with an enzyme-based cleaner to completely remove the smell. This will prevent your puppy from being attracted to the same spot again.
  • Avoid punishment: Don't scold your puppy for accidents. Punishment can create fear and confusion, which can make housetraining more difficult.
  • Learn from accidents: Consider what went wrong and adjust your training plan to avoid similar situations in the future.
When to seek help from a professional

Sometimes housetraining can be particularly challenging and it may be necessary to seek help from a professional dog trainer. This may be the case if:

  • Your puppy has chronic accidents despite your best efforts.
  • Your puppy shows signs of anxiety or fear around toilet training.
  • You feel frustrated or overwhelmed by the training process.
Benefits of professional help
  • Expertise: A professional trainer has experience and knowledge of different training techniques.
  • Personal guidance: You get specific feedback and strategies to suit your puppy's unique needs and behavior.
  • Support: Professional help can give you the support and encouragement you need during the training process.
Conclusion: Enjoy the journey with your puppy

Pettiness training can be a challenge, but it's also an opportunity to strengthen the bond with your puppy. With patience, consistency and positive reinforcement, your puppy will learn to be housebroken and you'll enjoy a clean and harmonious home together. Remember to celebrate the small victories along the way and be patient with both yourself and your puppy. Good luck!

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Marcin Solgaard Marcin Solgaard

Marcin is a true dog enthusiast! He is always seen with his 8-year-old boxer by his side. Marcin believes that dogs thrive on love, fun and positive experiences. On their daily adventures, people often stop Marcin to ask how his boxer is so happy and well-behaved. He happily shares tips on dog behavior and fun activities to create a happy and harmonious life with your dog.

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