
Puppy's First Vet Visit - What to Expect

Prepare for your puppy's first vet visit with essential tips and insights. From understanding the examination process to key questions you should ask, ensure your puppy gets the best start in their health journey.

Michelle Torring
Michelle Torring
2 minutes reading · Aug 31, 2024
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Puppy's First Vet Visit - What to Expect
What to Expect During the First Vet Visit

Taking your puppy to the vet for the first time is a crucial step in ensuring their health and well-being. During this initial visit, your vet will perform a comprehensive physical exam to assess your puppy's overall health.

Physical Examination
  • Weigh your puppy to monitor growth.
  • Listen to heart and lungs for any abnormalities.
  • Take your puppy's temperature (rectally).
  • Examine eyes, ears, nose, feet, and genitalia.
  • Inspect skin and coat for any signs of issues.
  • Check teeth and mouth for dental health.
  • Palpate abdomen and lymph nodes to detect any unusual signs.

The vet may also ask for a stool sample to check for the presence of worms or other parasites, a common issue in young puppies.

Preparing for the Visit

Being well-prepared can make your puppy's first vet visit smooth and stress-free. Here’s what you should bring:

  • Any medical records from the breeder or shelter.
  • A list of questions or concerns you might have.
  • Notes on your puppy's diet and feeding schedule.
  • A leash and collar or harness for control.
  • A dog carrier or crate, especially if your puppy is small.
  • Small treats for rewarding good behavior.
  • A chew toy to keep them occupied.
Key Questions to Ask the Vet

Your vet will provide a wealth of information during this visit. To ensure you cover all bases, here are some important questions to ask:

Health and Safety
  • How often should my puppy visit the vet?
  • When should I spay or neuter my puppy?
  • Should I microchip my puppy?
  • What vaccinations and parasite prevention are necessary?
  • Are there any breed-specific health concerns?
Training and Behavior
  • How do I start potty training my puppy?
  • Is crate training recommended?
  • When can my puppy go to public places like parks or groomers?
  • How do I properly socialize my puppy with other dogs and people?
  • What kind of food should my puppy eat?
  • How often should I feed my puppy?
  • When should I switch my puppy to adult dog food?
  • Are there any foods I should avoid giving my puppy?
After the Visit: Follow-Up and Care

Post-visit care is essential to keep your puppy healthy and happy. Your vet might prescribe medications or schedule follow-up visits for vaccinations and further health checks. Ensure you understand and follow all care instructions provided by your vet.

Scheduling Follow-Ups

Puppies typically need several vet visits for vaccinations and routine check-ups during their first few months. Schedule these in advance to stay on track with your puppy's health plan.

Home Care Tips
  • Maintain a regular feeding schedule and monitor your puppy’s diet.
  • Keep your puppy’s living area clean and safe.
  • Provide plenty of mental and physical stimulation through play and training.
  • Watch for any signs of illness and contact your vet if you notice anything unusual.
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Michelle Torring Michelle Torring

Michelle is a passionate dog owner who spends most of her free time with her 6-year-old golden retriever, Bella. The two are a familiar sight in the neighborhood, often seen on long walks in the park or at the beach. Michelle loves training Bella in agility and they often compete in local competitions where Bella impresses with her speed and agility. Every Sunday, Michelle organizes playdates for dogs in the neighborhood where both dogs and owners can socialize and learn from each other. To Michelle, Bella is not just a dog, but a beloved family member and faithful companion.

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