
Puppies & Young dogs

Bringing a puppy into your home is both exciting and challenging. From the first days with your new puppy to training, socialization and raising young dogs, we've got you covered. We share our best advice and experiences to make the transition as smooth as possible

  • Puppies & Young dogs Puppy's First Vet Visit - What to Expect
    Puppy's First Vet Visit - What to Expect
    Michelle Torring
    Michelle Torring
    Aug 31, 2024

    Prepare for your puppy's first vet visit with essential tips and insights. From understanding the examination process to key questions you should ask, ensure your puppy gets the best start in their health journey.

  • Puppies & Young dogs How to Successfully Socialize a Puppy
    How to Successfully Socialize a Puppy
    Marcin Solgaard
    Marcin Solgaard
    Aug 25, 2024

    Master the art of puppy socialization with practical tips and engaging activities. From home-based introductions to outdoor adventures, discover how to help your pup grow into a confident and well-adjusted dog.

  • Puppies & Young dogs Why Is My Puppy Crying at Night?
    Why Is My Puppy Crying at Night?
    Cassandra Dalgaard
    Cassandra Dalgaard
    Aug 22, 2024

    Find out why your puppy cries at night and explore practical solutions to help your furry friend feel comfortable and secure, ensuring better sleep for both of you.

  • Puppies & Young dogs How Many Litters Can a Dog Have? Everything You Need to Know
    How Many Litters Can a Dog Have? Everything You Need to Know
    Michelle Torring
    Michelle Torring
    Aug 01, 2024

    Learn about the number of litters a dog can safely have, ethical considerations, health implications, and best breeding practices to ensure the well-being of your dog.

  • Puppies & Young dogs How to Keep Your Dog Off the Furniture
    How to Keep Your Dog Off the Furniture
    Marcin Solgaard
    Marcin Solgaard
    Jun 24, 2024

    Ensuring your dog stays off the furniture can be a challenge, but with the right techniques and consistency, you can create a pet-friendly environment that respects your space.

  • Puppies & Young dogs New Puppy? Here's What You Need to Buy
    New Puppy? Here's What You Need to Buy
    Marcin Solgaard
    Marcin Solgaard
    May 06, 2024

    Preparing for a new puppy involves gathering essential supplies to ensure they have a comfortable and happy start in their new home. Here's your ultimate shopping list!

  • Puppies & Young dogs How to Potty Train your Puppy
    How to Potty Train your Puppy
    Marcin Solgaard
    Marcin Solgaard
    Apr 23, 2024

    Housetraining your puppy can be a challenging but highly rewarding process. With the right techniques and patience, you can quickly get your puppy to understand where to go
